Zero emission delivery of goods

About the initiative
Nordic cities come together in a joint Nordic procurement process. The goal is to get zero emission delivery of goods, to develop Nordic companies, get greener and more innovative solutions, and to make sure that the public sector cooperate more. The project is founded by the Nordc council of ministers and lead by The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) and LUP.
This project a continuation of ZED 1.0 which ran from 2019 to 2021. In this 2.0-version of the project we aim to reach even further in achieving zero emission delivery of in Nordic cities. Zero Emission Delivery 2.0 is a part of Circular and Climate Friendly Public Procurements (CCFP) which is a Nordic project seeking to reduce the climate and environmental footprint of the Nordic public sector’s high level of consumption of products and services.
- Goals for Zero Emission Delivery 2.0
- Increase cooperation and experience exchange across Nordic cities.
- Increase knowledge on how public entities can make the delivery of goods emission-free.
- Facilitate innovative procurements of Zero Emission Delivery of goods.
Innovative procurements in the project
Articles about the project
Interested in knowing more about the project? Contact us:
- Odd Olaf Schei, DFØ, +47 911 22 747
- Marte Otterdal Drageset, DFØ, +47 414 82 230
- Kjersti Granaasen, phone: +47 480 52 856

Zero emission delivery 2.0 (2022-2024)
- Meeting march 2022 – ambitions for 2.0
- Meeting Copenhagen may 2022 – leassons learned, project plan
- Stockholm june 2023 – Innovative dialogue workshop with suppliers and buyers
- Meeting Finland december 2023 – sharing experiences, learnings and cases from Stokcholm, Bærum and Agder
- Meeting Stockholm june 2024
- Participants in Zero Emission Delivery 2.0:
- Norway: Bærum municipality, LUP, NAV, Oslo municipality, DFØ
- Sweden: Stockholm municipality
- Finland: HUS Group, Vantaa city, Kaarinan kaupunki, Motiva
Timeline Zero emission delivery 1.0 (2019-2021)
- Mai 2019 – Project initiative: The Nordic council of ministers awarded Difi and The National programme for Supplier Development the project, where the aim is to involve cities across the Nordic in a joint market dialogue for greener solutions.
- Sept/Oct 2019 – Mobilizing cities in the Nordics. Difi (NO) and The National programme for Supplier Development (NO) invited Miljøstyrelsen (DK), Upphandlingsmyndigheten (SE) and Motiva (FI) to help with the mobilization of cities in their countries.
- October 2019 – Information meeting for the public organizations. The cities were invited to join the process by sending out an invitation, having skype-meetings with information about the project, and a physical information meeting on the 24th October 2019 in Oslo. Read the recap from the first meeting and see the presentations here.
- October 2019 – Cities join the process. The cities that has decided to participate in a joint process for mapping the needs and challenges and a nordic market dialogue.
- Finland: City of Kaarina: Jonas Nordberg, City of Turku: Fredrik Lindström
- Denmark: Aalborg kommune: Steffen Lervad Thomsen, Gladsaxe kommune: Anders Friis Brorholt, København kommune: Ida Meulengracht Ginsborg
- Sweden: Stockholm stad: Per Erik Österlund, Göteborgs stad: Mats Pervik, Ørebro kommune: Helena Sköld Løvgren, Jakob Cronhamre, Katarina Craaford,
- Norway: Oslo kommune: Geir Rossebø, Trondheim kommune: Magnus Vestrum, Bergen kommune: Uwe Mattheus, Kristiansand kommune: Ole-Jacob Rynning Tønnesen, Rolf Arild Johannessen, Statens Innkjøpssenter: Barbro Bottheim
- Other organizations involved in the process: Kunnskapsbyen Lillestrøm: Jon Eriksen, Nordic Innovation: Nina Egeli, Trine Moa, Ivar Josefsson
- December 2019 and January 2020 – Mapping the needs and Insights report The group bought fazilitating and a design team from the company Bekk to help map the needs, and to create a draft for a dialogue note. The group met on December 3rd 2019 in Copenhagen, and January 15th in Gøteborg to map pain points, possibilities, challenges and procurement needs. Here you can see the Insights report where we present the joint needs, challenges and background for the project.
- April 29th 2020 – Digital information meeting for the market. We will host a digital information meeting Wednesday 29.04.2020 from 13:00-15:00 using Teams.
- May 2020 – Request for information (RFI). All the countries has published an written Request for Information. Despite the situation with Covid-19, we would like to continue the dialogue with companies and the market. We understand that the situation is difficult, but we hope that it is interesting for some suppliers to give us feedback both long- and short-term on how we can get innovative solutions in the future. RFI was published april 2020, deadline 1 june 2020.
- November 2020 Joint statement. 11 Nordic cities and 2 central government procurement bodies have published a joint statement that calls for zero emission delivery of goods.
- April 2021 Nordic market dialogue where companies pitch their solutions. Zero emission vehicles and more innovative and efficient solutions are now increasingly available for city deliveries. During this day we will connect companies with the solutions with the big buyers in the Nordics. You can find the whole conference on YouTube here.