Market Dialogue: Environmental Labelling of Medical Supplies

Medical products are essential for maintaining modern and high-quality health care systems. At the same time, they can be a threat to both the environment and our health due to hazardous content, and a high level of resource exploitation. Five Nordic Public Buyers have therefore joined forces to use their purchasing power to challenge the market to develop more sustainable products.


Torsdag 12. oktober 2023 kl. 08:30 - 15:00


OLOF PALMES PLATS 1, 214 44 Malmö, Sweden (Folk Mat & Möten) and digitally

Om arrangementet

Watch the recording of the Market Dialogue

Presentations and questions from the Q&A session


Part 1 (hybrid)

8:30 – 09:00 Coffee and registration

09:00 Welcome and presentation of NIELS-team: Diego Cattolica-Correa, National Coordinator, The National Secretariat for Sustainable Public Procurement

09:10 Background and importance of NIELS: Bente Hayes, CEO, Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust

09:25 Why do the Nordic buyers want ecolabelled products? Maiken P. Sele, Manager Environment and Climate, Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust
and NIELS project manager

09:40 Environmental labelling of medical products: Tormod Lien, Senior Adviser Procurement, Ecolabelling Norway

10:00 Why dialogue? Elisabeth Smith, Innovation Broker, The National Supplier Development Programme (LUP)

10:05 Q&A Session – Open dialogue with the suppliers: Riche Vestby and Elisabeth Smith, Innovation Brokers, LUP

11:10 Wrap-up: Diego Cattolica-Correa

11:20 Next steps: Maiken P. Sele

11:30 Practicalities of Part 2: Suvi Ketene, Development manager, Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)


Part 2  One-on-one meetings (only for attendees present in Malmö)

Follow link for further information


Market dialogue objectives

The objectives of this market dialogue are as follows:

  • Inform the market about the Buyer’s strategies to procure greener products/sustainability strategies.
  • Discuss measures and challenges related to testing/developing and procuring greener products.
  • To explore what solutions are available in the market and what and what will be available
  • Collect input from the market
  • Discuss how public-private collaboration through procurement can stimulate suppliers to produce more environmentally friendly products.

Official Notice published on Doffin (Norwegian Database for Public Procurement)

Target group

Nordic and European suppliers of medical products to the Nordic health care sector. Nordic public buyers of medical products (for hospitals (public and private), municipalities, etc.). Ecolabelling organisations, industry associations, cluster organisations, environmental organisations, R&D organisations within relevant fields in Nordic organisations. National, Nordic, and European funding organisations. Decision and policy makers at national, Nordic, and European level.


  • The Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust (NHPT)
  • Landspitali – The National University Hospital of Iceland
  • Danish Regions: The Regions Joint Procurement
  • The National Secretariat for Sustainable Public Procurement
  • Helsinki University Hospital (HUS)
  • The Norwegian National Supplier Development Programme (LUP)

The project is in collaboration with, and partly funded by Nordic Innovation.

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