Pink salmon trapping device with automatic sorting – dialogue conference
The County Governor of Troms and Finnmark is conducting a dialogue conference with potential suppliers and experts in preparation for pre-commercial procurement. The purpose of the conference is to establish a dialogue to gain knowledge about whether there are future solutions which will meet the County Governor of Troms and Finnmark’s market needs, or whether it is possible to develop such solutions.

Om arrangementet
About the dialogue conference
Target group
Suppliers or consortia that can deliver all or part of a solution for a pink salmon trapping device with an automatic sorting system. Research groups involved in relevant disciplines such as biology, biotechnology, systematics, ecology, mechanical engineering, robotics, digitalization, computing and cybernetics. Potential actors in business, administration and research.
Download the dialogue document
What do we want to discuss during the dialogue conference?
The aim of the County Governor of Troms and Finnmark is to bring about the development of a trapping device for pink salmon with an automatic sorting system. Such a system will require different components to cover each step involved in the solution. We need information about solutions such as:
• Technical solutions currently available on the market
• The potential and limitations of current solutions
• The main challenges in developing an automatic sorting system
• The costs involved in developing a complete solution
• Estimates of what it will cost to operate a complete solution
• How long it will take to develop such a solution
• The areas of application most appropriate for development
By inviting experts and suppliers/entrepreneurs to engage in dialogue with us, we hope to find out whether an automated sorting solution for pink salmon is technically feasible and viable. We also want to enter into dialogue with other users who are in need of a similar solution.
See the announced invitation to the dialogue meeting
Practical information about the dialogue conference
Place: Digital – Teams Meeting
Date and time: 14 May 2023, 09:00 to 10:30.
Language: The meeting will be held in Norwegian and English.
Contact person: Erik Drivdal, +47 37 32 11 39,
- Welcome
- Presentation of the challenge picture
- Pre-commercial procurement
- The plan ahead
- Questions from participants