Nordic cities call for zero emission delivery of goods
11 Nordic cities and two central government procurement bodies have published a joint statement that calls for zero emission delivery of goods.

11 Nordic cities and 2 central government procurement bodies have published a joint statement that calls for zero emission delivery of goods.
– We know that it is expensive to invest in innovation and green solutions for the companies. We hope that this joint statement is a significant signal to the market on the demands and ambitions in the upcoming procurements, says Christine Kihl, senior advisor at The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ).
Emissions from goods delivered to the public sector represent almost 5% of the total emissions in the Nordics. Public sector purchases an enormous range of physical goods. The delivery of these goods creates a considerable amount of freight traffic in urban areas. Copenhagen estimates that product deliveries lead to nearly 4.5 million vehicle kilometers travelled within the city limits per year.
The 11 nordic cities, Statens Innkjøpssenter and SKI are big buyers that procure goods for a considerable amount of money each year. When they join forces with clear demands and ambitions, they have a purchasing power and influence on the market.
– Many of the businesses operate in all the Nordic cities, and we hope that we can accelerate the transition towards zero emission logistics together, finishes Kihl.